If you’ve been blessed by the educational ministry of THEOTIVITY, please consider supporting through prayer or donation to keep it going!
It is not easy to manage family, work and church life on top of running the ministry arm of THEOTIVITY. I greatly appreciate your support in prayer and feedback.
Please pray for:
Gospel impact – may the Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ go far and wide!
Creativity & ideas – it’s not easy creating content, and artist block is a real struggle. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire creative projects and resources which will be used to bless many.
Humility & Integrity – we know how prone our hearts are to pride. Please pray that the Lord would keep me humble as a minister with integrity.
Distribution – as I continue to seek to grow the ministry of THEOTIVITY and find good channels of distribution to get the content in front of more people.
My desire is to offer my theological content free of charge to as wide an audience as possible. However, running a site has its costs. So, if you are able to partner with me to help subsidize the cost of website hosting, art supplies, books, gear, software, etc.
Please help keep THEOTIVITY going by hiring me for some freelance work or checking out my fundraiser below.
Thanks for liking, subscribing and/or sharing the content! You can follow THEOTIVITY on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube or subscribe to the Newsletter!
A part of the vision behind THEOTIVITY is to provide high-quality, compelling, biblical content free of charge to edify the Body of Christ.
“For you remember, brothers, our labour and toil: we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you the gospel of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2:9)
I am not looking to get rich or even expecting to turn a profit out of the education & resourcing arm of this website. My main aim is to bless others.
However, the gear and software needed to create this content are not cheap. Computers, camera gear, software licenses, art supplies, website hosting fees and many long hours are the costs that add up. So, any financial contributions that the Lord moves your heart to make are greatly appreciated!
You can find more info about my fundraiser at