The Feminization of the Church and the Need for Masculine Christianity (ft. Zachary Garris)

THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
The Feminization of the Church and the Need for Masculine Christianity (ft. Zachary Garris)

Author and Pastor Zachary Garris talks about the problem of the feminization of the Evangelical Church and the need to recover the masculine nature of Biblical Christianity. We discuss some compromises of Complementarianism, how feminism crept into the church and how God’s design for the sexes extends beyond just the home and church.

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Complementarianism, which started off as a movement with good intentions to preserve the distinction of gender roles in response to Evangelical Feminism in the 1980s fell short in many ways of the older, more Biblical understanding of Patriarchy. We also tease out some of the related problems with Radical Two Kingdoms Theology (R2K) and how it may be symptomatic or a contributing cause of the feminization of the church. Lastly, we touch on some issues of cultural engagement and political theory.

Buy the book – 📘 Masculine Christianity by Zachary Garris – ⁠⁠⁠


Zachary Garris serves as pastor of Bryce Avenue Presbyterian Church (PCA) in White Rock, New Mexico. He holds a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, Mississippi) and a Juris Doctor from Wayne State University Law School. He is a licensed attorney, and is the author of Masculine Christianity, a forthcoming book on the anti-feminist theology of the Reformers (New Christendom Press), and the e-book Thinking Biblically About Education. He is the founder and contributor to the Bible resource website and has written for several print publications.



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▶️ Great explainer of how complementarianism fell short – ⁠⁠

▶️ Great episode on Biblical Patriarchy – ⁠⁠


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