
056 | Social Justice vs Biblical Justice: What’s the difference and why does it matter?

THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
056 | Social Justice vs Biblical Justice: What’s the difference and why does it matter?

What’s the difference between our secular culture’s concept of “Social Justice” and the Bible’s true concept of justice?

Since the rise of the Black Lives Matter Movement in the wake of the George Floyd riots of 2020, Social Justice has been a hot topic in the cultural conversation. Whether it be through reparations and affirmative action policies, mandatory Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training at our workplaces, Critical Race Theory curriculum in schools, colleges and universities, or not-so-subtle messaging in movies and entertainment – it seems like it is unavoidable these days. As Christians, we must be prepared to give a Biblical answer to our cultural moment today.

In this episode, we unpack 6 markers of true Biblical Justice in contrast to Social Justice and see how God’s standards of justice are better and more beautiful than the secular perversion of justice. 

You can read the article version of this episode here: https://www.theotivity.com/post/social-justice-vs-biblical-justice


You can also find a lot of helpful resources and book reviews on Neil Shenvi’s website.


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