This is an audio narration of the article, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Pastor, Theologian, Spy, Martyr… Evangelical?”
The life and works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer have inspired many Christians over the years from various denominations and theological persuasions. However, he remains somewhat of an enigmatic figure to us. Some Evangelicals want to claim him as their own hero, while Liberal and Progressive Christians also claim him for themselves. Bonhoeffer’s life stands out in the context of his times, resisting the Nazi takeover of Germany during the Second World War. He was implicated in an assassination attempt on Hitler and was sentenced to death by hanging. His life of Christian resistance and even espionage intrigues many today and continues to be relevant to us as we consider what faithfulness in the midst of oppressive and evil governments might look like.
There is much to learn from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and I hope that this brief biographical article will encourage, inspire, and educate you on why he’s such an interesting and important figure.
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