Every Christian is a theologian. The question is whether if they are a good one or not. Our theology inevitably impacts every area of our lives (either consciously or unconsciously) – even our creativity – so it is important for creatives and Christians in general to think deeply about their theological beliefs.
Progressive Christianity and Deconstructing the Faith
You can also listen to an audio version of this article here: The true historic faith of Christianity has always been under attack. Even from the earliest days of the church in its infancy, we see in the writings of the New Testament that false...
James Anderson | What’s Your Worldview?
Dr. James N. Anderson has written what is probably one of my favourite introductory-level apologetics books. What’s Your Worldview: An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions is a novel and creative approach to Christian apologetics to the...
Cornelius Van Til | The Grandfather of Modern Presuppositional Apologetics
You can also listen to an audio narration of this article here. Christian apologetics (the reasoned defence of our faith) can seem like a daunting and complicated task. There are so many arguments, methodologies and facts to master—it is enough to...
Greg Bahnsen | A Short Biography & Review of Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended
In the field of Christian apologetics, Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen is a legend to some, and an unknown figure to many. However, for any student of apologetics, his work is vitally important to understand and consider. Many apologists today look to Bahnsen...
Discovering the Heart of the Reformation
I think it important that every serious would-be ‘Protestant’ should at least endeavour to have a basic understanding of what is meant by that term. Studying the Reformation then is of many benefits—and Michael Reeve’s book is a great introduction...
Crazy Busy | A (mercifully) short review of a (mercifully) short book
Are you crazy busy? Stressed out? Do you find yourself always replying with the same almost automated response when people ask how are you? “I’m busy, but good.” As much as I try to avoid it—I am. I know that feeling all too well. We tell ourselves...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Pastor, Theologian, Spy, Martyr… Evangelical?
Listen to an audio version of the article here. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a fascinating and compelling life to study. He has captured the minds and hearts of many Christians from various traditions and denominations. His popular writings have inspired...
Bethel Church | Deception, Heresy & A Call to Discernment
You can also listen to an audio version of this article: Disclaimer It has come to my attention that some people claim that Bill Johnson may have (since the writing of this article) explicitly renounced Kenosis heresy. If this is the case, I...
Jonathan Edwards | A Brief Biography of A Giant in the Faith
Jonathan Edwards was one of the most prolific and influential theologians of his time and his work endures until today. One can almost not speak highly enough of him and his brilliance. Here I've endeavoured to present a brief overview of his life...
An Exegesis & Application of The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord's prayer has a long history in the church; from liturgy to a format for our petitions to God, it has been a popular speaking point in Christian thought asking, just what was Jesus trying to teach us through this prayer? What would have...
Philippians 1 | To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain
Background Paul probably visited Philippi in 49 AD. Acts 16 tells us about his journey there. Residents of Philippi were very proud of their Roman citizenship as shown by their accusation against him in Acts 16:21, of "advocating customs unlawful...
Why Theotivity?
Listen to the audio narration of this article here: So, why create a website about theology and creativity? And what is the purpose? A Christian Creative Quandary Christian creatives face a quandary where the space they naturally inhabit in our...
Evidence is Not Enough to Defend the Faith
We all have presuppositions. These presuppositions are based on what our underlying worldview is and informs how we interpret and filter information which we are presented with. It lays the foundation for how we make sense of the world and also how...
Sodom and Gomorrah | A Historical, Archaeological and Theological Analysis
(NOTE: This is an academic research article originally written in 2014 from a previous blog. There may have been updates to these findings since the time of writing which may warrant a future update at some point when I get the chance to get back...