The 5 Points of Calvinism, also known as The Doctrines of Grace, have stirred up no small controversy in Christian circles. Many Christians have often debated over how God saves us and the role of election, predestination, free will and faith. I remember having passionate conversations about Arminianism vs Calvinism with friends before I even had a proper understanding of either system. Yet these conversations are good and right to have if we have a high view of Scripture and a desire to understand what God’s Word teaches on this topic.
In this 2-part series of episodes, we take a look at the Biblical case for the Doctrines of Grace to see how they derive from Scripture – because at the end of the day, we want to be submitted to God’s Word as the ultimate standard on the matter. We’ll see from Scripture how these doctrines are clearly taught and why they matter.
Read the articles:
- The Doctrines of Grace (TULIP) | Series Introduction
- Total Depravity | Humanity’s Radical Corruption
- Unconditional Election | God’s Sovereign Choice
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