032 | The Roots of Pentecostalism & The Charismatic Movement (Part 3)

THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
032 | The Roots of Pentecostalism & The Charismatic Movement (Part 3)

This is an audio narration of the article: “The History of Pentecostalism | How was this movement birthed?” 

In this last episode in this series, we will take a look at some of the historical factors which led up to the Pentecostal Movement in order to understand our current time. 

How did this movement come about? What were the factors that led to its emergence? The Pentecostal and broader Charismatic Movement have had a huge impact on global Christianity. 

The major theological distinctive of Pentecostalism from the earliest beginnings has been a concern for an experience called the baptism in the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking in tongues and other spiritual gifts to empower the Christian for witness and sanctified living. This particular understanding of the doctrine of Spirit baptism with tongues emerged alongside the rise of Pentecostalism.  To understand any movement it is important to understand its roots and the circumstances out of which it arose. 

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