In our first article, we looked at the biblical definition and foundation of apologetics (giving a defence of the faith). We saw that there is no neutrality and that the heart of the problem is not the sinner’s ignorance but unrighteousness. In the second article, we considered then the content of...
Here is everything we got (so far) on
BIBLICAL APOLOGETICS | Part 2 – Prepared to Give a Reason
The purpose of this series of articles is to present a simple, Biblical apologetic method for the average layperson who may think it is only the role of scholars. In our last article, we looked at the biblical definition and foundation of Christian apologetics. We saw that there is no neutrality...
BIBLICAL APOLOGETICS | Part 1 – Definition & Foundation
The focus of this series of articles will be on the “how” of giving an answer for our faith, also called apologetics. The goal is to establish a Biblical method of apologetics by considering what the Bible has to say about the topic. There are many Christian apologists out there today who use a...
Avoiding Totalitarianism: A Christian View of Law & Government
You can watch the presentation of this material in lecture form here: You can also listen to an audio version of this article here Or just read the article below. Many Christians today view politics as “dirty” and something secular which they should not involve...
The Problem of Evil | Part 2 – Finding Meaning in Suffering
You can also listen to this article series here. In our first article, we looked at the apologetic and moral question of evil and God's existence. We saw that: Atheistic secularism cannot provide a satisfactory basis for moral evil - the reality of pain and suffering simply is. Evil does not...
The Problem of Evil | Part 1 – The Apologetic Challenge
You can also listen to this article series here. The problem of evil is one of the most significant and challenging objections to Christianity. How can a Good God allow such evil and suffering as we see today? It seems to be an insurmountable problem for Christians to face. Is there a way to...
Time and Meaning | Its Futility and How to Redeem It
You’ve all heard the phrases, “Time is money” or “Time waits on no one”. Time is one of those things we always feel is slipping away and we never have enough of it. Our fast-paced world today doesn't help the dilemma either. Pings, dings, and rings call for our scarcest resource each day, and 24...
Facing Death and Finding Meaning
In this article, we’re going to be facing squarely the topic of death. This is a topic that may make some of us uncomfortable, and I will do my best to be gracious. However, it is a reality we must all face honestly in our search for meaning. We will touch on some sobering realities, but I hope...
Chasing the Good Life in Search of Meaning
Our world and culture today, especially in big modern cities, can tend to draw us all into the ‘rat race’ of careers and achievement. We find ourselves running after the images of the good life that are shown to us on TV, billboards, movies, tabloids and social media. Every day we are being...
Christ’s Presence in the Lord’s Supper | Part 2 – The Theological Argument
In our first article, we considered the historical arguments surrounding Christ's presence in the Eucharist. We looked at many of the church writers throughout history and their statements concerning the Lord's Supper and saw that the modern Roman Catholic dogma of transubstantiation doesn't hold...