Here is everything we got (so far) on

Biblical Exposition
The Dangers of Word Studies

The Dangers of Word Studies

Many of us have probably either seen or heard of word studies in the Bible. Perhaps it was a preacher telling you about how God’s "agape” love is special and distinct from all the other types of love in the Bible. Or maybe it was a Bible teacher talking about how this particular Greek word is so...

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ExeGreeksis | “Salt & Light” – Matthew 5:13-20

ExeGreeksis | “Salt & Light” – Matthew 5:13-20

The ΕχεGrεεκsις series of articles are meant for those who want to dig in deeper into the text beyond just a casual reading. It intends to pull back the curtain a little to see a bit of what goes on "behind the scenes" of translating our New Testament to English. I lay out the Greek text in bold,...

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Zechariah’s Oracles of the Messiah

Zechariah’s Oracles of the Messiah

Many find the book of Zechariah to be a difficult one to read and understand. It is filled with visions and oracles. However, one of the most amazing things about Zechariah are the foreshadows of Christ it contains! This study was done mainly by comparing four English translations—ESV, CJB, NASB,...

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