Here is everything we got (so far) on

Christian Living
Dating and the Father’s Headship

Dating and the Father’s Headship

You can listen to an audio version of this article here. This article is intended for Christian singles and in particular Christian men who are seeking to date or court a young lady without first seeking her father’s consent and blessing. Now note - what I am NOT arguing is that you go ask her...

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Facing Death and Finding Meaning

Facing Death and Finding Meaning

In this article, we’re going to be facing squarely the topic of death. This is a topic that may make some of us uncomfortable, and I will do my best to be gracious. However, it is a reality we must all face honestly in our search for meaning. We will touch on some sobering realities, but I hope...

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THE INCARNATION | Our Worship & Witness

THE INCARNATION | Our Worship & Witness

In the previous article in this 2-part series on the incarnation, we looked at the wonder of the incarnation in the narrative of the Bible's redemptive history. In this article, we take a look at its significance in Systematic and Historical Theology and then look at some implications for us in...

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THE INCARNATION | The Wonder of Christmas

THE INCARNATION | The Wonder of Christmas

As we approach the celebration of Christmas, it is important that we reflect on the importance of the momentous event that it signifies. So often we can get caught up in the hustle and excitement of the season that we forget what it should remind us of and how it should transform us. What we...

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