Listen to the podcast version of this article here. So many Christians today have a pessimistic view of our present cultural moment and also the future’s prospects. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of concerning things going on in our world today - some of which are downright scary. You don’t...
Here is everything we got (so far) on
The Anti-Gospel of Wokeness
You can listen to this article here. In our last article, we defined wokeness and showed the danger of it infiltrating the Church today. What we are seeing is the outworking of a new religion displacing the old Christendom upon which our societies were built. As our societies have secularized, a...
Wokeness and Social Justice in the Church
You can listen to an audio version of this article here. Wokeness is perhaps the most cultural hot-topic phrase when speaking about cultural issues today. Professor Owen Strachan, in Christianity and Wokeness, defines it like this: “Wokeness is first and foremost a mindset and a posture. The term...
Dating and the Father’s Headship
You can listen to an audio version of this article here. This article is intended for Christian singles and in particular Christian men who are seeking to date or court a young lady without first seeking her father’s consent and blessing. Now note - what I am NOT arguing is that you go ask her...
10 Things You Need to Know About Cultural Marxism
You can listen to this article here There is a cultural phenomenon at play today in our societies that has taken captive the minds and hearts of many. It is a dangerous and deceptive ideology that pretends to be a vision of justice and compassion but only brings destruction and violence. It has...
Avoiding Totalitarianism: A Christian View of Law & Government
You can watch the presentation of this material in lecture form here: You can also listen to an audio version of this article here Or just read the article below. Many Christians today view politics as “dirty” and something secular which they should not involve...
10 Dark Facts You Should Know About Karl Marx Or you can also listen to this article on the podcast here. Although some may think that the Western world has learned its lesson about Marxism, in recent times, this dangerous ideology has again come to prominence in new forms. Marxist ideologies...
Government Speech Codes, Freedom & Censorship (Podcast Notes)
Freedom of Speech is a fundamental right in many modern Western nations. Yet it seems like, in recent days, it has been under increasing attack. How are we to think about these things as Christians? This podcast episode considers some important points about freedom of speech and censorship from a...
God & Government | Exegetical Considerations on Romans 13:1-7
In recent times, with COVID mandates and restrictions affecting all areas of society, it has gotten a lot of Christians talking about Romans 13 and its application to the relationship between Church and State. I've seen many poor expositions of the passage and even more lamentable applications of...
Culture & the Christian | Part 5 – Our Response to Culture
In this series, we've surveyed what is the Biblical view of culture and examined its religious nature in the practices that form us, the stories that give meaning, and the groups that define us. Today, we conclude this article series on a theology of culture by considering how we should live and...