Our previous article considered how Christ, as the image of God, reveals God to us and embodies His glory. This is great news for us as our idolatrous tendency is to exchange the glory of God for created things. But how does Christ redeem us from our slavery to idolatry as creatives? The Gospel is...
Here is everything we got (so far) on
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | CHRIST (Part 1) – Embodied Exegesis
You can also listen to the rest of this series in audio form here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1sN0gSH9cI0q2qxg0sBgIg?si=ISw-vaXCT9eYQ8yEM6VbVQ Our previous articles considering a Gospel-shaped theology of creativity looks at GOD: how our understanding of God shapes our understanding of...
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | MAN (Part 2) – Exchange and Autonomy
In our last article in this series, we considered how the image of God informs our creativity as Christians and how sin has marred that image - corrupting our vision and desires. In this article, we will continue to explore the effects of sin on our creativity. Romans 1 | Our Trifold Exchange The...
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | MAN (Part 1) – Marred Creativity
Our first category of building a Gospel-shaped theology of creativity in our last article considered how our understanding of God as the original Creator, primary viewer and objective standard of beauty informs our understanding of creativity and aesthetics. In this next section of our series of...
ExeGreeksis | The Baptism of Jesus – Matthew 3:13-17
This is the start of an ongoing series of Greek exegesis exercises I'll be doing called "ΕχεGrεεκsις"—get it? I know, I know... very punny. (Exegesis = bringing out the meaning of a text) This series may be a bit technical at times—but the point is to pull back the curtain a little on what goes on...
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
J.I. Packer (1954-2020) is probably one of my favourite writers, and this book is yet another great read by one who is, in my estimation and many others, one of the best Evangelical writers. Those who have read his book Knowing God would attest to this! (And if you haven’t yet, go get a copy!) His...
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | GOD (Part 2) – Understanding Beauty
In our first article in this series, we introduced the concept of developing a Gospel-shaped theology of creativity. Then, in our second article we took a look at how what the Bible reveals to us about God as Creator helps to inform our theological understanding of creativity. God is the original...
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | GOD (Part 1) – The Creator
Our first article introduced us to how we got to where we are today - with the seeming disconnect between theology and creativity in many churches. We defined what we meant by developing a theology of creativity. We also looked at how this Gospel-shaped theology will be structured by the four main...
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | Introduction
You can listen to an audio version of the first 5 articles in this series here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0BywWzT0k3okRB1919V88C?si=JG-oQf94Snq_SytHEmfDiA Perhaps you’ve cringed at a church bulletin that utilized every single font known to man - or maybe a flyer with cutting edge WordArt...
Evidence is Not Enough to Defend the Faith
We all have presuppositions. These presuppositions are based on what our underlying worldview is and informs how we interpret and filter information which we are presented with. It lays the foundation for how we make sense of the world and also how we build our defence for what we believe. As a...