Old Elven Archer

Old Elven Archer

OLD ELVEN ARCHER An original concept I did of an old elven archer inspired by LOTR Concept | 3D Sculpt | Rigging & Animation | Texturing & Shading This is a personal project I did of an old elven archer inspired by LOTR style mythology. The character concept...
3D Character Art

3D Character Art

3D CHARACTER ART 3D Character design, sculpting, and texturing These are a few personal projects I’ve worked on. I don’t do a whole lot of 3D anymore as my role as a Creative Director at the creative media agency I work at now takes up most of my time....
3D Character Art


THE THING My version of The Thing from The Fantastic Four Concept | 3D Sculpt | Texturing & Shading I did this personal project for fun as fan art for THE THING from Marvel Comics. The concept is my own, based on various comic references. I wanted to make an...


RAMPAGE A personal project of a low-poly game model of a fictional comic supervillain Concept | 3D Sculpt | Texturing & Shading The concept is my own. Rampage is a genetically mutated cyborg supervillain who is the result of a botched military experiment on a US...
Old Man Sculpt

Old Man Sculpt

OLD MAN SCULPT A personal 3D sculpt that I did of an old man based off a photograph I saw an amazing black and white photo from a photographer that I follow of a homeless man which really inspired me. The deep wrinkles in the face and weathered skin was really...
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