Social Justice vs Biblical Justice

Social Justice vs Biblical Justice

You can listen to an audio version of this article here. The topic of Social Justice has become a huge issue of much debate and confusion in our times. It is an issue that is not simply “out there” in the world, but also in the church. As Christians, we still inhabit...
The Anti-Gospel of Wokeness

The Anti-Gospel of Wokeness

You can listen to this article here. In our last article, we defined wokeness and showed the danger of it infiltrating the Church today. What we are seeing is the outworking of a new religion displacing the old Christendom upon which our societies were built. As our...
036 | 10 Things You Need to Know About Cultural Marxism

036 | 10 Things You Need to Know About Cultural Marxism

THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture 036 | 10 Things You Need to Know About Cultural Marxism Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 10 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share Anchor Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Podbean...
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