by Theotivity | Oct 7, 2021 | Theology
You can listen to the first part of this series here. In our last article, we considered the “T” in the TULIP of Total Depravity or our Radical Corruption by sin. In this article, we’ll take a look at Unconditional Election or God’s Sovereign Choice to save. Many...
by Theotivity | Sep 30, 2021 | Theology
You can listen to the first part of this series here. In our first article in this series, we introduced a little of the history of the Doctrines of Grace, otherwise known as the Five Points of Calvinism. We sought to clarify some frequent misperceptions and what the...
by Theotivity | Sep 23, 2021 | Theology
You can listen to the first part of this series here. The Doctrines of Grace are some of the most beautiful truths of the Gospel that were clarified as a result of the Protestant Reformation. Many Christians have found them to deepen their understanding of the Gospel...