The Ultimate List of Must-Have Christian Books for Your Library

Resources | Theology

Published on February 09, 2025
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Every Christian should be a reader—we are after all a people of the Book! So, here are my choices for must-have Christian books for your personal or church library. These are all books that I have read and have helped me immensely to think through things from a Biblical worldview and continue to grow and refine my faith.

I hope that you will find them helpful as well. I’ll try my best to update this list as I find more must-reads.

(Feel free to pass along this list to your family, friends, church librarians and pastors!)

Must-Have Christian Books on Family

The family is the building block of society. Where there are strong, healthy families, you will have a vibrant and resilient community. This is why the family has been the prime target of the Devil. It is a shame that many churches do not equip their people well to build strong, Biblical families.

One of the most strategic and fruitful things the church can do is to focus on restoring Biblical teaching and standards for family life. Here are my picks on some books that have been helpful to me as a man trying to faithfully lead my family.

Parenting and education are other areas that is of strategic and utmost importance. We need to raise the next generation of faithful warriors in His Kingdom. Here are a few that impacted me:

Family worship is one of those key things to building a strong, godly household that is often neglected today. Many parents never experienced it growing up and therefore have no idea where to start or what it should look like. These short books are great primers and how-tos on family worship.

If we can transform the Christian family, this is perhaps one of the most powerful things we can accomplish for generations.

Must-Have Christian Books for Men & Women

Masculinity has been under attack in our culture. We must regain godly manhood and the masculine nature of the Christian faith. These books have been very helpful for me in thinking through these issues and maturing as a Christian man.

Fatherhood is sorely lacking in our days. Many of societies ills can be traced back to the absence of godly fathers.

Young men especially need guidance for life and how to become a “real” man.

Women also need biblical guidance for their own expression of gendered piety. These two books were great reads with my wife

Must-Have Christian Books on Defending the Faith (Apologetics)

Throughout life, we’ll inevitably encounter challenges to our faith—from friends, coworkers, relatives and even the family in our own homes. Christians need to be able to make a defense for the reason for their hope (1 Peter 3:15). This is what is known as “apologetics”. It is vital for every Christian to study and prepare themselves to answer the doubts they will face in others, and even in their own hearts.

A big part of being equipped apologetically is understanding the concept of worldview. These two short books are a great introduction.

For more specific apologetics to various religions, cults and challenges—these books are a wealth of resources!

Books on Theology & Church

Every Christian is a theologian. It’s just a matter of whether they’re a good one or not. The best place to start is with theology proper—the knowledge of God. We cannot worship the God we do not know. Far from being something stuffy and impractical, theology deepens your worship and awe of your Creator.

Inevitably as one dives deeper into theology, they encounter questions about the sovereignty of God and human responsibility or free will. These are some of the most helpful books on the topic I’ve read.

As we continue to grow, we need to systematize our theological beliefs and be able to connect the dots in Scripture. We also need to be able to correctly prioritize and categorize theological issues and disputes.

Christians also need a good understanding of the church and its sacraments or ordinances, as well as how best to order church life.

Books on the Bible

Central to the life of the Christian is God’s Word. We must devote ourselves to thoroughly understanding and applying it to our lives. Additionally, we must know why we trust the Bible and what books belong in the Bible.

Books on Evangelism

The Great Commission is sadly often the Great Omission. Our Sovereign Lord, Jesus commanded us to spread the Good News of the Gospel to the whole world. We go and proclaim the Gospel with confidence of God’s sovereign backing.These books help prepare and equip you to think about and do the work of an evangelist in the areas God has called you to.

Books on Culture & Politics

God’s Word and our faith apply to every area of life and culture. Unfortunately, a pietistic faith that only lives between your ears has become popular in Western Christianity. However, we need to think and act Christianly in all of life.

LBGTQ+ issues are at the top of the list of things that Christians need to be prepared to give an answer for. Yet many Christians are woefully underprepared to talk biblically about sex and gender amongst the confusion of today’s culture.

Wokeness has also become a major challenge that Christians must be prepared to face. The Social Justice Movement has hijacked empathy and compassion, causing much confusion in the culture and church.

Christians also need to be able to think biblically about politics and the role of government.

Books on Eschatology (End Times)

While eschatology (the study of last things) is not a primary doctrine, it also is not an unimportant one. Ultimately, what we believe about how history will end will affect the way we live today and our hopes for tomorrow. Many Christians put off studying this topic because they think it is too complicated or impractical. However, all of God’s Word is profitable and we should not neglect this area. These books obviously reflect my own Postmillennial convictions, but I think they are worth consideration.

Books on Christian History

Many Evangelical Christians today live as historical islands, unaware of anything that happened before Billy Graham. However, there is a wealth of wisdom and insight to be gained from godly men and women of the past as well as learning from how God has moved in ages past. At the very least, it is an exercise in encouragement at the faithfulness of our God and that He is writing a story bigger than any of our lives.

Must-Have Christian Classics

Books on Christian Living

Books About Christians

A good biography is a real gem to find. Here are a few that have impacted me.

Books on Christian Creativity

As a Christian creative, I’m always considering how my faith impacts my creativity and how to use my gifts for the glory of God. These books have been helpful inspiration to me.

Books for Kids

As a dad, I’ve seen the power of storytelling to teach your kids lessons they would otherwise not grasp as easily. THese are some great ones to add to your shelves!

I hope that you find this list helpful and forgive me for any great books I haven’t yet read and added to this list. I’ll do my best to keep it updated going forward and pray that the Lord would use these books powerfully in your life to help shape, refine and grow your faith.

What would YOU add to this list?
Reshare and tag @theotivity to let me know!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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