Here is everything we got (so far) on

My Top Podcast & Books for Christian Men

My Top Podcast & Books for Christian Men

Podcasts and books are a great way for Christians men to grow in their knowledge and faith. I get asked for recommendations frequently, so here are a few to check out. Now, this list may enrage some of the soyboys or nuance bros out there who never want to make any enemies or ruffle feathers. I...

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My Top 10 Must-Read Books of 2022

My Top 10 Must-Read Books of 2022

What better way to end off the year and give you ideas on how to put that Christmas gift money or Amazon gift cards you got to good use than a list of awesome books! As you probably know already, I love to read! And although this year I've fallen behind my reading goal of 50 books in the year...

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My Top 10 Podcasts for Forming a Christian Worldview

My Top 10 Podcasts for Forming a Christian Worldview

Everyone has a worldview, but not everyone is aware of theirs. It's sort of like our belly button. We all have one, but very few spend much time examining their own. However, our worldview shapes so much about how we see, understand and act in the world around us. A worldview is made up of our...

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Reformed Preacher Portraits | John Piper

Reformed Preacher Portraits | John Piper

The Reformed Preacher Portraits are a series of portraits of Christian preachers, teachers and authors who have significantly influenced and shaped my faith and understanding of Reformed doctrines. Not all of the men in this series are "confessionally Reformed", but they all share a commitment to...

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Top 6 Podcasts to Help You Grow in Your Faith

Top 6 Podcasts to Help You Grow in Your Faith

It seems like everyone today has a podcast. Only a few years ago, podcasts were a fairly novel concept. They were the newest iteration of the talk-show radio host. However, according to Podcast Insights, (as of April 2021) there now are over 2 million podcasts and over 48 million episodes! About...

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