Every Christian is a theologian. The question is whether if they are a good one or not. Our theology inevitably impacts every area of our lives (either consciously or unconsciously) – even our creativity – so it is important for creatives and Christians in general to think deeply about their theological beliefs.

Perseverance of the Saints | Eternal Security

Perseverance of the Saints | Eternal Security

You can listen to the second part of this series here. In this article series on the Doctrines of Grace (also know as the 5 Points of Calvinism or TULIP), we’ve covered man’s radical corruption in sin (Total Depravity), God’s sovereign choice in...

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Irresistible Grace | Effectual Calling

Irresistible Grace | Effectual Calling

You can listen to the second part of this series here. We’ve covered a lot in this series about the history of the Doctrines of Grace, the Radical Corruption of man’s sinfulness, the Sovereign Gracious Choice of God in salvation, and the...

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