Every Christian is a theologian. The question is whether if they are a good one or not. Our theology inevitably impacts every area of our lives (either consciously or unconsciously) – even our creativity – so it is important for creatives and Christians in general to think deeply about their theological beliefs.
You Know What’s Best… or do you?
"Believe in yourself... Speak your truth... You know what's best… You do you." These are the slogans of our hyper-individualized secular culture. It is me-centered and self-focused. And why not,...
Revelation 13 | The Meaning of the Dragon, The Beast & the Mark
Revelation 13 finds itself right in the middle of a book which quite frankly scares many, even the most devout churchgoer. Its imagery of dragons, multiheaded beasts and speaking images is enough to...
Revelation 13 | An Important Examination of the Historical & Literary Context
Revelation 13 sparks considerable disagreement between various expositors as to its significance. The influence of apocalyptic fictions such as the Left Behind series, which were based more on...
Revelation 13 Translation – What does the original text reveal?
**Disclaimer: Since the writing of this article (around 2016), I have shifted Eschatological views from Amillennial to Postmillennial. Thus, this article may not represent my current understanding...
A Reflection on the Journal of John Wesley
John Wesley is arguably one of the most influential men of the Great Awakening and the explosive revivals leading to modern evangelicalism—and with good reason. He was called the "greatest force of...
Devotional Commentary | Romans 1
While I was serving on mission in Brazil a few years ago, I wrote a devotional commentary on Romans 1 - 7 which I thought I would share here. It is not meant to be an academic commentary but rather...
Jesus in Context | What were the Prejudices and Expectations of the First Century?
Jesus is often as enigmatic and mysterious as the invisible God He incarnates, and rightly so. For two millennia he has perplexed and captivated the hearts of many a wanderer. Richard Nixon is said...
ExeGreeksis | “Salt & Light” – Matthew 5:13-20
The ΕχεGrεεκsις series of articles are meant for those who want to dig in deeper into the text beyond just a casual reading. It intends to pull back the curtain a little to see a bit of what goes on...
Top 6 Podcasts to Help You Grow in Your Faith
It seems like everyone today has a podcast. Only a few years ago, podcasts were a fairly novel concept. They were the newest iteration of the talk-show radio host. However, according to Podcast...
God Knows My Heart | Yes, but is that Good News?
We’ve probably all heard someone say the phrase. Maybe they’ve done something wrong unintentionally and others have judged them harshly, and so the retort comes, “God knows my heart.” Or, maybe it’s...
Reformed Preacher Portraits | John MacArthur
The Reformed Preacher Portraits are a series of portraits of Reformed Christian preachers, teachers and authors who have significantly influenced and shaped my faith. The desire behind this series...
Zechariah’s Oracles of the Messiah
Many find the book of Zechariah to be a difficult one to read and understand. It is filled with visions and oracles. However, one of the most amazing things about Zechariah are the foreshadows of...
Blessed …according to Jesus
It's become a little bit of an internet gag... the quirky selfie with the hashtag "blessed" because of whatever good fortune someone has enjoyed. While this can often just be silly fun, it does...
ExeGreeksis | “Your Blessed Life Now” – Matthew 4:23-5:12
Some prosperity preachers try to sell a perversion of the Gospel that promises material blessings, health and favour for those who would ‘declare’ it over their life. However, this other ‘gospel’ is...
BIBLICAL LAMENT | Life’s Song in the Minor Key
On Tuesday, September 29, 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, my grandfather went to be with his Lord. He helped to raise me and played a huge role in my life. I didn’t realize the hole...