Every Christian is a theologian. The question is whether if they are a good one or not. Our theology inevitably impacts every area of our lives (either consciously or unconsciously) – even our creativity – so it is important for creatives and Christians in general to think deeply about their theological beliefs.
The Millennium in Revelation 20 | An Amillennial Perspective
**Disclaimer: Since the writing of this article (around 2017), I have shifted Eschatological views from Amillennial to Postmillennial. Thus, this article may not represent my current understanding...
Humble By Design | Creativity and the Distraction of Novelty
The design and art world can sometimes tend to foster a sort of egotism among artists. After all, we need to promote ourselves, brand our artwork, get our names out there and tie it to stunning and...
ExeGreeksis | Fishers of Men – Matthew 4:18-22
This is the second of an ongoing series of Greek exegesis exercises I'll be doing called "ΕχεGrεεκsις"—you can read the first one here. The point of these ΕχεGrεεκsις articles is to pull back the...
Is the Bible missing any books today? | THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SERIES (Part 6)
This has been quite the enjoyable series of articles to develop, and I trust that you have benefitted from it thus far. We’ve seen what the concept of Canon is, taken a look at how the Old and New...
A Theological Basis for Excellence in Christian Arts & Design
You can also listen to this article here: I think many a church attendee over the course of the last two decades has had to endure the sight of a WordArt announcement slide or Clip Art (circa 1994)...
How do we Recognize the Books that are Scripture? | THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SERIES (Part 5)
So far in this series we’ve taken a look at the concept of canon in both the Old and New Testaments. We also looked at why Protestants reject the books of the Apocrypha and some of the claims of the...
Video Games and Discipleship
A while ago, I had a parent come up to me exasperated: “He’s just addicted to video games and won’t put them down! I don’t understand why he is wasting all that time playing games—on his phone, on...
Why were the New Testament Books added to the Bible? | THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SERIES (Part 4)
In our first article in this series, we took a look at what the canon of Scripture is, then in our second article we saw how the books of the Old Testament came together. Next, we considered why the...
Reformed Preacher Portraits | Paul Washer
I’ve recently started a series of portraits of some of my favorite Reformed Preachers and I thought it might be a good opportunity to make others aware of their ministries and perhaps help them in...
What about the Apocrypha? | THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SERIES (Part 3)
In our first article in this series, we looked at what is meant by the ‘canon’ of Scripture - the collection of authoritative, divinely inspired books. In our second article, we looked at the...
My Podcast Interview with The Happy Holy Hour
I recently had the pleasure of being on the Happy Holy Hour Podcast with Tyler and Travis to speak about "Creativity in the Christian Life". They're both excellent podcast hosts and brought up some...
Obadiah and the Pride of Edom
G.K. Chesterton once said, "If I had only one sermon to preach it would be a sermon against pride."[1] Indeed pride is at the root of many, and arguably, all of our struggles with sin. Pride is...
Why were the Books of the Bible collected together? | THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE SERIES (Part 2)
Our first article in this series looked at what is meant by the term ‘canon’ and why it is important for us today. In this article, we will look at the Old Testament and how it was formed and...
A Gospel-Shaped Theology of Creativity | OUR RESPONSE
We’ve covered a lot over the course of this series of articles, and yet we’ve only just scratched the surface. There are innumerable more depths of riches of wisdom and insight to be gleaned from...
The Meaning of Jesus | Book Review
This is a book that I assume many Evangelicals would not be too familiar with—but it was an interesting read. It is a conversation between a liberal and conservative(ish) scholar about the...