Many Christians and creatives today are ill-equipped to deal with the challenges of an increasingly secular culture. Yet creatives tend to be the influencers and creators of culture’s icons that shape our societies. On this podcast, you’ll find audio narrations of articles, interviews with Christian thinkers and creatives, and commentary on how the Biblical world-and-life view impacts every area of life.
047 | What is the End of the Age? (Matthew 24: Last Days Series – Part 2)
What was Jesus talking about in Matthew 24 when his disciples asked him about the end of the age? Many people assume that Jesus was prophesying about the end of the world in Matthew 24. Yet, is this actually what he was referring to? Could it be...
046 | The Last Days – Which Generation did Jesus say would see the End? (Matthew 24 Series – Part 1)
Many have debated what Jesus meant when he said "this generation" in Matthew 24. Did he mean: "the Jewish race"? "This type of people"? or the people contemporary to his time? How long is a generation? When is the time period referred to as the...
045 | Eschatology Matters: An Intro to Views of the End Times and Why It Matters
The topic of eschatology - the study of last things - is an area of theology that is often considered highly controversial, debatable and divisive. A lot of Christians in the Evangelical church today consider eschatology an unimportant part...
044 | 7 Simple Steps to Take Over the World (for Christ)
Should Christians be trying to Christianize the world? Well, we certainly shouldn't be trying to secularize it - that's for sure! Many today doubt whether the world could actually be won for Christ. Yet, when Jesus commissioned his disciples, he...
043 | A Victorious Kingdom & Live Not By Lies (ft. Josh Ankenmann)
In this episode, I have a conversation with my brother-in-law, Josh Ankenmann to talk about his theological journey toward a more optimistic eschatology and the implications that have had on his life and faith. We also discussed the book, Live Not...
042 | The Anti-Gospel of Wokeness
You can read the article version of this episode here. Wokeness is a big issue in our culture today and it is seeping into the Church. Yet many don't realize just how insidious and dangerous this ideology really is to the Church and the Gospel....
041 | Wokeness, Social Justice and the Church
You can read the article version of this episode here. Social Justice is an often misunderstood, hot-button issue these days. Yet it is one which the Church must grapple with. However, instead, many churches have succumbed to it, adopting...
040 | 7 Tips for Christians Dating
You can read the article version of this episode here. There is a lot of dating advice out there today. Some of it helpful. Some of it... not so much. Oftentimes, Christians can simply go along with how the culture approaches finding a mate....
039 | Dating and a Father’s Headship
You can read the article version here. Many Christians today simply go along with the ways our culture approaches dating and finding a mate. Yet we are to submit all of our lives, even our romantic pursuits to God's Word, seeking His wisdom on all...
038 | Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Pastor, Theologian, Spy, Martyr… Evangelical?
This is an audio narration of the article, "Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Pastor, Theologian, Spy, Martyr... Evangelical?" The life and works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer have inspired many Christians over the years from various denominations and theological...
037 | 8 Lessons Christians Must Learn from Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany was one of history's greatest examples of the deplorable depths of depravity that humanity can sink to... yet many today have forgotten its lessons. During the reign of Hitler and the Third Reich, the German Church was caught...
036 | 10 Things You Need to Know About Cultural Marxism
You can read the article version of this episode here. "Cultural Marxism" is a hot topic these days that has generated no small amount of controversy. The term itself has been disputed, but the ideas it represents are valid concerns of a dangerous...
035 | The Danger of Emotional Reasoning and Us vs Them Thinking – Our Coddled Culture (Part 3)
Have you ever noticed that we often express our opinions with "I feel that..." instead of "I think that..."? This shift in how we reason culturally has not come without its consequences. Today, many people make decisions by means of their...
034 | “Snowflake” Culture and Judging Impact & Intent | Our Coddled Culture (Part 2)
We've probably all experienced it... when someone takes your words or actions and assumes motives wrongly on you. They end up misinterpreting your heart and it leads to conflict. Yet, this phenomenon seems to be becoming more and more common in our...
033 | Are you fragile? | Our Coddled Culture (Part 1)
These days it can seem like everyone takes offence to any and everything - especially on social media! Even if you post about your preference about salads, you'll have the "garden salad" crowd waging a comment war against the "no salad but Caesar!"...