Nazi Germany stands out in history as a horrific and grizzly reminder of the depths of depravity that humanity can reach. The Second World War was the largest and deadliest conflict in history with total worldwide death estimates between at least 65 to 85 million people, which amounts to about 3...
Here is everything we got (so far) on
10 Dark Facts You Should Know About Karl Marx Or you can also listen to this article on the podcast here. Although some may think that the Western world has learned its lesson about Marxism, in recent times, this dangerous ideology has again come to prominence in new forms. Marxist ideologies...
The History of Pentecostalism | How was this movement birthed?
You can listen to an audio version of this article here: In previous articles, we considered the theological arguments concerning the nature of the gift of tongues and the historical witness of the church concerning this gift. In this article, we will take a look at some of the historical factors...
Athanasius “The Great” Against the World – A Brief Biography
It feels like writing a piece about a figure to influential as Athanasius in anything less than a full book would fall severely short of doing justice to such an exquisite life. As a result, this will be more of an academic article (in length), but I hope you will begin to appreciate this great...
Discovering the Heart of the Reformation
I think it important that every serious would-be ‘Protestant’ should at least endeavour to have a basic understanding of what is meant by that term. Studying the Reformation then is of many benefits—and Michael Reeve’s book is a great introduction to whet the appetite and leave one wanting more!...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Pastor, Theologian, Spy, Martyr… Evangelical?
Listen to an audio version of the article here. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a fascinating and compelling life to study. He has captured the minds and hearts of many Christians from various traditions and denominations. His popular writings have inspired many to deeper levels of Christian devotion and...