There has been a decisive shift in out culture towards emotional hypersensitivity, politically correct monitored speech, emotional fragility and outrage at anyone who would raise issues or disagreements with the prevailing norms and accepted truisms of our day. Many within the new generation...
Here is everything we got (so far) on
Kingdom Building: Recovering the Biblical Blueprint for Godly Dominion If you prefer to listen on audio, you can do that below or on APPLE or SPOTIFY. CLICK HERE to download the worksheet for the session. Below you will find my notes for this lecture which includes content I had to skip over in the live event. In Canada, since 2021 over...
The Climate Change Cult | Its Lies, Worldview and Politics
G.K. Chesterton once said, “The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible...
Big Eva, COVID Compromise and the Great Reshuffle
Many influential leaders within Evangelicalism’s largest organizations (a.k.a. Big Eva) have compromised on several important issues in recent times. Issues such as Critical Social Justice, LBGTQ and gender roles, a failure to uphold the Lordship of Christ by applying a Biblical worldview to...
Important Must Know Pro-Life Abortion Resources for Christians
Abortion is one of the most evil attrocities of our present age. We must stand against it with truth and compassion. Yet many Christians today don't have a consistent Biblical view on the topic of abortion. Many simply have taken the cultural narrative on abortion for granted and don't see the...
Eschatology Matters | Why Your View of the End Times Affects Today
You can also listen to this article on the podcast. The topic of eschatology - the study of last things - is an area of theology that is often considered highly controversial, debatable and divisive. It is true that many people can be adamantly and even aggressively committed to their particular...
Public School is NOT a Valid Choice for Christian Education
In the last article, we made a case for a Family Integrated approach to church. Let’s move next to consider the Christian Education of children. Now, I admit that this section deserves a more in-depth and nuanced treatment than I can do here, and we may come back to it at another time to consider...
Understanding the Times | Thinking Biblically About Our Woke Culture Listen to the audio or subscribe to the podcast here: I think most people who have been paying even a little attention for the past 5 years to what’s going...
Social Justice vs Biblical Justice
You can listen to an audio version of this article here. The topic of Social Justice has become a huge issue of much debate and confusion in our times. It is an issue that is not simply “out there” in the world, but also in the church. As Christians, we still inhabit the same world and live in the...
Abortion’s Killer Angel | The Dark Story of Margaret Sanger
You can listen to an audio version of this article here. Abortion is one of the evilest stains in our modern world. According to the World Health Organization, roughly 73 million induced abortions occur worldwide each year, with 61% of all unintended pregnancies and 29% of all pregnancies in...